Chris Nelson - Police and Crime Commissioner image
Chris Nelson was first elected as Gloucestershire’s Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) in May 2021, and was re-elected for a second four year term in 2nd May 2024.

After growing up in Leeds, and being state educated, Chris joined the Army at 18, attending Sandhurst. He retired as a full Colonel, having served operationally in the First Gulf War and on the streets of Northern Ireland. His senior staff roles embraced tri-service programme and resource management, operational equipment requirements, budgets, work force planning, IT, training, recruitment, and estates. He gained two degrees and multiple academic and professional qualifications during his time in the Army.

Following his military service, he had a career in business, helping to provide state of the art training facilities to police forces around the world, finishing off that second career as Vice President International Business Development for a US company in Atlanta, Georgia.

His third career as a politician includes time as a Borough councillor in Cheltenham, Member of the County Police and Crime Panel and Chairman of a very busy parish council. A passionate believer in the virtues of volunteering and public service, he is privileged to have supported his local community whenever an opportunity has presented itself.

As PCC for Gloucestershire, Chris has introduced a zero-tolerance approach to anti-social behaviour; sorted out the budget and secured funding for more than 400 extra police officers/staff; tackled male violence against women and girls; reduced the cost of rural crime; mitigated scam calls; and improved Gloucestershire Constabulary’s 101 service.

If you would like to contact Chris, please email him 


More Anti-Social Behaviour hotspot foot patrols, new Police Stations in underused buildings, and reopen reception desks in existing Police Stations so you can report crime at your local station. Chris has already opened two new police hubs in Gloucestershire, and has plans to open four more. He also wants to create a powerful new digital Police Station, to give EASIER access to the police online.


A zero tolerance approach to ASB has led to a cut of well over 50%, and Chris now wants to focus on wider community crimes like house burglary, car crime and shoplifting, arresting more criminals and solving more crimes.


Chris will continue the work he has started to make sure there are clear consequences for those committing the most serious offences, including domestic abuse, and take a joined-up approach to reduce reoffending and prevent people turning to crime in the first place.


Too many people die on our roads, and anti-social use of vehicles and speed makes our communities feel less safe. Chris will make sure that the re-established Road Safety Partnership and extra resources for our Speed Enforcement and Roads Policing teams will make communities safer.


If you have been a victim of any crime, you should have regular updates on progress, and know that everything is being done to try and solve your crime. Chris will make sure his new victims hub keeps you updated, so that victims will now have a complete end to end service, from the time a crime is reported to conviction of offender.


Chris has already funded over 400 more police. We need to make sure these extra resources are being used wisely, efficiently and effectively. But we still need more detectives and other key police staff to make our streets safer, so Chris will continue to seek extra resources from Government, building on the £16M of extra funding secured over his first term of office.

Tackling anti-social behaviour in Gloucestershire

Tackling anti-social behaviour in Gloucestershire

How we have tackled anti-social behaviour in Gloucestershire

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Prisoners Building Homes – a solution to the temporary accommodation crisis

Prisoners Building Homes – a solution to the temporary accommodation crisis

How helping prisoners to learn a new trade, can solve housing shortages, and cut reoffending.

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Promoted by Stephanie Chambers on behalf of Chris Nelson both of Gloucestershire Conservatives Unit P2, Innsworth Technology Park, Innsworth Lane, Gloucestershire, GL3 1DL.